Saturday, May 1, 2010

Convert your traditional fireplace.

If you're tired of dust and ash that releases your traditional fireplace, you can convert it into a bio ethanol fireplace. Remove (for a closed firebox) the firebox door or only the glass of it and place a bio ethanol burner box. Don't forget to let enough space between it and the fireplace frame, about 30 cm to allow for air circulation.
There isn't smoke back in the room like a standard fireplaces, no unpleasant smells and almost maintenance-free.

burner box examples:


ethanol fireplace said...

yes, the ethanol fireplace is more comfortable than the traditional.

yorkshire fireplaces said...

I agree that ethanol fireplaces seem to be the future, the benefits include no black marks and no smell. I've also heard that you can receive tax credits from the government by getting one. I'm definitely considering switching my old fireplace into an ethanol one, it just seems to make sound sense.

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eco flame said...

Here's a picture of ethanol burner in action in a conventional fireplace.

Unknown said...

meget sød blog og det indhold meget nyttig information også så det er den rigtige kombination af information om traditionel pejs.
Bioethanol tilbud